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Hel­len Thi-Hang Phan-Les­ti

3 Kommentare

  1. Lie­ber Harald,
    auch wir sind zutiefst trau­rig und erin­nern uns sehr ger­ne an die fröh­li­chen Schwimm­stun­den mit euch.
    Unser herz­li­ches Mit­ge­fühl
    Chris­ta und Bar­ba­ra

  2. Dear Har­ry,
    what ter­ri­ble news rea­ched us tonight! Our deepest con­do­len­ces and sym­pa­thies are with you in this hor­ri­ble times. It took us by sur­pri­se and we feel deep­ly with you about your loss.
    Stay strong,
    the Robertz Fami­ly, in Ham­burg

  3. Dear Harald, Phan and Les­ti fami­lies,
    Hellen’s cou­ra­ge and zest for life were humbling and inspi­ring. During her time at Inter­na­tio­nal School Augs­burg, she brought light and joy to col­le­agues and stu­dents. She will not be for­got­ten.
    You are all in our thoughts and pray­ers at this very sad time.
    In gra­ti­tu­de and love, and on behalf of all tho­se at ISA who knew and loved Hel­len.
    Cathie Mullen & Mar­cus Wag­ner.


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